Check Out Procedure

  • Check out time is 12 noon on Sunday.
    Please make sure to complete the clean-up checklist for your cabin.

  • General
    Pick up litter around cabin. Sweep front porch and balcony. Collect all trash, and take to trash bin by kitchen (be sure to separate recyclables)

  • Beds
    Make sure your cabin has 4 beds and 4 mattresses

  • Floors
    Cabin and closet floor swept (under beds, too). Broom is in cabin closet Replace brooms when done.

  • Fireplaces
    All non-burnable trash removed. Check and remove all personal items from hearth and mantle. Return unused firewood to camp pile.

  • Other
    Check to make sure you have all your belongings. Notify us if anything in cabin is in need of repair.